Acting course

Our acting course offers an introduction to acting in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Ideal for those with little or no acting experience, this course provides the chance to explore acting techniques in a playful, accessible and practical way. Whether you are an aspiring performer; wish to revitalise your creativity; or simply want to try something new and build self-confidence, you will find this course active, fun and rewarding.


Note: the lessons are taught in English

Prijs voor 8 les(sen)

t/m 20 jaar
€ 209,00
vanaf 21 jaar
€ 278,00
  • Cursus
  • Niveau: Basis
  • Leeftijd: 18 t/m 99 jaar
  • New course!

Deze cursus kun je op onderstaande locatie(s) en tijd(en) volgen

20:00 - 22:00 uur
13-02-25 t/m 10-04-25
Yuri Blufpand
Nog maar enkele plaatsen beschikbaar!

Topics covered include:

•    Acting techniques
•    Scene studying
•    Improvisation
•    Voice and vocal training
•    Body and movement


•    Be prepared to learn new things
•    Get comfortable with showing others your skills
•    Be prepared to work in a group and individually
•    Be ready to express your emotions
•    Familiarize yourself with improvisation
•    Don’t panic and tell yourself you will have fun